wOrDs fROm ThE SoMnAmBuList

Monday, September 11, 2006


These are all assumptions to delineate a blurry feeling I got when you did something to me that I can't remember(Or maybe I just don't want to)...

I guess I'm not really sure but I think it's happening, oh yes I'm getting those shivers again. I was victimized once again by my own crave and boredom, my heart is starting to malfunction again, and my ill heart chose you to be its source of health and death.

Don't worry, you wouldn't notice it that much, you wouldn't feel anything either. I'm used to this one-way thing, and I think you'll understand because you feel the same way to someone else.

Yeah, that would be nice. I'll cry for you, you'll cry for her, we'll both cry(Atleast we have something in common). But hey, maybe you and her really deserve each other that you don't need to cry anymore, and you wouldn't even notice this thing I feel for you, and even if you will, it wouldn't matter to you anymore(I guess it will never matter to you).

No... not really...


Wake me up when September ends...

Maybe then this feeling will magically disappear...


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